
Roommate Matching at undefined

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Note: Watch out for scams! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do not send or accept payment from anyone without vetting them first.



Personal Details:

Gender: Woman

Academic Classification: Second year

Tell us about yourself: I am student and I am from Illinois


How clean do keep your living space? I am very clean and tidy

When do you prefer to study? Evening

Do you prefer to wake up early in the morning or stay up late at night? I am a night person

How many nights per week do you participate in social activities? 0-2

Do you drink alcohol? Never

Do you smoke? No

Do you prefer living with Males, Females, or No Preference? Female

Pets? No

Guests? I do not like to have people over

How would you describe yourself? I can be a mix of both out-going and quiet


Monthly Rent Budget: 600

Move in: 01/17/2022

Move out: 06/10/2022

Posted on: 01/15/2022